“Sentimental Dream” serves as a filmic homage to the iconic Nobuyoshi Araki, exploring a playful and occasionally unnerving journey into the mind of the cult photographer. Created for Olympia Le-Tan’s SS’16 collection inspired by Araki, this project was a collaboration with the talented Norbert Schoerner.
While I couldn’t be part of the principal shoot in Japan, I oversaw the post-process in the UK. Through narrative development, VFX, and editing, we crafted a humble yet evocative tribute to the great Araki, showcasing the beauty and essence of Olympia Le-Tan’s collection.
Director: Norbert Schoerner
Creative Director: Olympia Le-Tan
Starring: Kozue Akimoto / U Akimoto / Yuka Mannami / Torata Nanbu
Editor: Mika Hayashi Ebbesen
Co-Producer: Oz Thakkar