Explore the captivating double life of Minako, an avatar in the Tokyo game, in “Made.” Shot entirely in Tokyo alongside German Photographer and Director Norbert Schoerner, this intriguing tale follows Minako’s efforts to protect her secrets when a chance encounter with a foreigner threatens her concealed existence.
Developed as a precursor to the feature film script “Gaijin,” “Made” successfully tested the waters for filming in Tokyo, earning acclaim with screenings at Cannes and the London Film Festival.
Key Credits:
Directed by: Norbert Schoerner
Produced by: Oz Thakkar
Written by: Juanita Boxill
Starring: Rina Ohta, Jonathan Forbes & Gardar Eide Einarsson
Copyright 2014 Dayfornight / Silent Treatment Limited. Explore more about “Made” >> http://made.dayfornight.tv